dinsdag 31 maart 2009

March 2009 - first month at NL200

that's about 2900$ from playing, not great but not bad either :)

+400$ from pokerstrategy dutch community top 10
+1800$ from partypoints/bonusses/... (need a few thousand more points to cash the 1500$/30k partypoints bonus)

almost 4k€ this month, best month ever, first month on NL200, most hands played in a month ever,...
u get the picture :P

next month I'm not going to play that much, lots of deadlines for school coming up, going skiing again,...

I also went to the casino and played some live 2/2 in breda (about 3hours or so), won 120€, makes it a 4k€ month after all :)

I plan on going back again soon or maybe go to brussels/namur because casino play is sooooooooooo bad :)
people really suck :D

I'll try to update this blog more frequently but I had a really busy month and I figured I'd better put my time in to playing/watching vids/... than blogging :)

2 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Hey Timothy, je kent mij niet maar ik lees je pokerblog af en toe.
(tenzij misschien van op pokerstrategy forum, mijn nick is daar seppevs).
Maar wat ik wou zeggen: ik ben toevallig afgelopen vrijdag (27/03) ook in Breda geweest aan een 2/2 tafel, misschien zat je wel bij mij aan tafel :)

Ik had trouwens 258 EUR winst, als je strikt tight/aggressive speelt win je altijd in Breda :)

Unknown zei

I'll try to update this blog more frequently, FAIL